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Migrating from Merant 6.7 to Serena PVCS 8.4


My current project is using Merant PVCS 6.7 on Solaris operating system and i am trying to migrate this to PVCS 8.4 on windows operating system.
I have tried to copy /pvcs/archieves/ folder and \pvcs\*.prj folders from solaris to windows operating system and tried to open project in PVCS but came across following error:
could not open configuration file /pvcs/archives2/c1mxwdj1.cfg (attached snapshot for the same error.JPG)

I have checked for archives2 folder in Solaris but it was not there.

Please let me know what i am missing here.
Also, if there are any steps to migrate from 6.7 to 8.4 or migrating from Solaris to windows ?

Please suggest.
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    Hi Vivek,

    The path to the CFG file is hard-coded in the PDB meta-data, so if the PDB says it is using "/pvcs/archives2" then ought to be what it was using. Open the GUI on your old server and perform a right-click -> Properties on the PDB to confirm the path.

    Note that you cannot move a PDB untouched (i.e. raw file copy) without providing some mechanism to keep the paths valid. Since you are switching between operating systems that have completely different path structures, you will need to use the VM File Server and create a Path Map in there with a Client name of "/pvcs". The data can then be copied into the Project DB Path directory for that Path Map. (See KB doc
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    Thanks Richard for the useful information.

    Above issue has been resolved by above given steps.
    But, now, i am getting issue regarding invalid login account.
    In old server(Solaris) , login was working with companies Active Directory system.But, in windows, this is not working.
    For some folders, i can access from PVCS in windows but for some, its throwing error for invalid account.
    Can you please suggest what possible configuration is missing here?
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    Can you provide some details on the actual VM login source that was used, HOST or LDAP?

    The former relies on the active Windows user ID to identify the user, whereas the latter will connect to your (Active Directory) LDAP server to validate credentials. With HOST you are never prompted for your username (password maybe, but never the username), with LDAP you always are asked for both a username and a password. Investigating this heavily on the login source and the type of dialog you get.

    If HOST, your current ID simply may not be listed in the Access Control Database for the PDB you are trying to login to.

    If LDAP, we need to investigate the entire access model.

    Seeing the output of the
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    Hi Richard,

    I have tried opening PDB configuration in original server, it displays host is selected.Please find attached snapshot.
    Access control database is selected as none.

    One more thing, while selecting PDB , admin > security option is disabled. Is this because of current user priviledges?

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    Hi Vivek,

    I'm not seeing a snapshot I'm afraid. Not sure if the Comment feature supports this (as opposed to Reply). Not having any access control could potentially cause problems, but it would depend on the login source that is in play.

    You say it works for some folders but not for others. By folder, do you mean the yellow project icons? If so, do the problem ones have a black tab on top? If they do, then the administrator associated a configuration file with this project. Check the contents of that CFG file to see what it changed. It might be changing the login source (via the LOGIN directive) and/or the access control database (via the ACCESSDB directive), which could explain why you cannot get in.

    This can all be fixed, but it's best to find out what the problem is first. You may want to open a support ticket to expedite this.

    With kind regards,

    - Richard.