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Error in PVCS operations

I have PVCS repository on File Server, with version 8.4.
I am trying to perform vlog, put etc from my Dev machine, which have PVCS client 8.6.
However i am getting below output:

$ vlog -c//PVCS_FILE_SERVER_CRAMER/archives/cramer.cfg //PVCS_FILE_SERVER_CRAMER/archives/PruebaCM/PruebaREPO.txt-arc

Could you please tell me what is the problem here.
  • 0  
    Hello Sunil,

    Can you please validate this is the complete output? When pasting the output of commands, it's a good idea to do this up to and including the next prompt, so it's clear we have the complete output.

    You did not mention which operating system your client is running on, which is pretty important. The prompt looks Linux/UNIX-like. If correct, please check the following docs to see if they apply: