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Migrating PVCS VM From Old Server(8.1.4) to New(8.6)

I haven't worked with PVCS Version Manager for about 5 years. I have inherited an existing install and have been tasked with migrating an old PVCS Version Manager install, on Windows 2003, to a new server, 8.6 on Windows 2012.

My question is what would be the best approach to doing this migration? Is it as simple as doing a clean install of Version Manager and SLM on the new server, copying the archives to the new machine and then importing them? Or do I need to do something more complex, such as upgrading in place on the old server then moving to the new server, or install the old version of VM on the new server, copy over the archives and then upgrade VM to 8.6?

Edit; Forgot to mention that we exclusively use the web version. Not the local client install.

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    Hi John,

    You would indeed start with installing VM 8.6 and SLM 2.2.0 on your Windows 2012 server, and rehost your licenses to that box.

    Next, copy all PDBs from your old server to the new one, not just the archives. If you are currently using the PVCS VM File Server you would have to make sure the Path Map entries are preserved with the identical Client Names. The Project DB path and Revision path directories can be changed as needed. If you are not using the PVCS VM File Server, you would introduce it as a way to ensure your path remain valid.

    You can preserve the VM I-Net applet settings by preserving your vm\inet\props\ file to the new server. If you copy the entire vm\inet\props folder you will also be preserving the end-user's preferences with respect to Edit | Options, Advanced Filter, etc.

    Relevant reading:
  • 0  
    Hi John,

    You would indeed start with installing VM 8.6 and SLM 2.2.0 on your Windows 2012 server, and rehost your licenses to that box.

    Next, copy all PDBs from your old server to the new one, not just the archives. If you are currently using the PVCS VM File Server you would have to make sure the Path Map entries are preserved with the identical Client Names. The Project DB path and Revision path directories can be changed as needed. If you are not using the PVCS VM File Server, you would introduce it as a way to ensure your path remain valid.

    You can preserve the VM I-Net applet settings by preserving your vm\inet\props\ file to the new server. If you copy the entire vm\inet\props folder you will also be preserving the end-user's preferences with respect to Edit | Options, Advanced Filter, etc.

    Relevant reading:
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