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Updating PVCS to new version


We are currently using Serena PVCS 8.5 version. Due to some restrictions we have to upgrade it to 8.6 version. Is there any way that I can use the same DB after installing the new version.

I installed new version and made a new project and imported old files, everything happened smoothly. But I am unable to see difference between earlier versions of the imported files.

Thanks in Advance
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    Hello Aditya,

    VM 8.6 can operate on VM 6.5 project databases without change, so there is no need to create new projects and import files; simply open your existing project databases. If the data was moved to a new system, either change the File Server configuration (Project DB path Revision path) as needed, or use a VM File Server to allow for a smooth transition without having to rebuild project databases. See the second section of KB doc