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create new project database as copy of old with new release number eg 3.0

using VM 8.4.3
I want to create a new project database by copying a current project database from a selected promotion group and assign the objects a release number of 3.0 rather than the 1.0 revision number that is the default.

would appreciate any guidance if someone has managed this feat!

Thank you!
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    Hi Rob,

    It is possible to add files via the PCLI AddFiles command and pass it the option -r to drive an initial revision. If you don't care about file descriptions you could perform a recursive get based on your promotion group into an empty directory structure and perform a recursive AddFiles operation into your new PDB from that directory. You'd use the -t option to set a generic file description on all the files you are adding.

    Preserving the file description is not impossible but a lot more tricky, as you'd have to write a fairly complex PCLI script to do this on a per-file basis, reading the file description from the source file and setting it on the target one.

    Have said all this, I strongly advise customers against attributing meaning to revision numbers, as that's not what they are designed for. To indicate a revision belongs to something on a more permanent basis than a promotion group, you normally use a version label. I don't know your reasoning for wanting to use the revision number 3.0, but perhaps this is worth considering, especially if the number 3.0 relates to a product release, in which case you could use a label like "REL_3.0" or "v3.0".

    If that is an option, you can use Edit -> Copy in the Desktop Client GUI, and use the baseline feature by selecting "Keep specified revision and discard change history", putting the name of the desired source promotion group in the revision field.

    Kind regards,

    - Richard.