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Trying to add a Workfile to the Database Project using PCLI AddFiles

I am trying to add a workfile to the particular project in the Database using "pcli" utility :

/opt/oraclebase/build-tools/pvcs/vm/linux/bin/pcli addfiles -co -prd:/EFM_CCOandS_FDCS -pp/FSA_MiddleWare/Generic/Docs/ testFile.txt

I am getting back an error message :

Error: /opt/oraclebase/build-tools/testFile.txt: Unable to access. The filename may be illegal, the filename may already exist as a directory, part of the directory path may already exist as a file, the TEMP directory may not exist, or there may be insufficient privileges.
Create archive .

My destination folder "FSA_MiddleWare\Generic\Docs" is empty.
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    Hi Vitaly,

    Are you running the PVCS Web application from Firefox on the same Linux server, using X-Windows / Linux desktop? If not, then I'm afraid the comparison does not apply as we are dealing with potentially incompatible paths.

    First, run the VM Desktop Client GUI and run right-click -> Configure Project on the PDB. Look at the temporary file directories. On Windows, if you see any value that is different from the output of echo %TEMP%\pvcs executed from CMD.EXE, then the configuration was changed to use a hardcoded path. This will fail in a heterogeneous environment, because Linux cannot handle Windows temp files. If true, locate your configuration file (right-click -> Properties on the PDB) and remove the directives ARCHIVEWORK and WORKDIR, which will make VM use a temporary directory appropriate for each OS (%TEMP%\pvcs, /tmp/pvcs).

    If this was not the issue, figure out what the default workspace and matching default workfile locations for the project are (absolute
  • 0  
    Hi Vitaly,

    Are you running the PVCS Web application from Firefox on the same Linux server, using X-Windows / Linux desktop? If not, then I'm afraid the comparison does not apply as we are dealing with potentially incompatible paths.

    First, run the VM Desktop Client GUI and run right-click -> Configure Project on the PDB. Look at the temporary file directories. On Windows, if you see any value that is different from the output of echo %TEMP%\pvcs executed from CMD.EXE, then the configuration was changed to use a hardcoded path. This will fail in a heterogeneous environment, because Linux cannot handle Windows temp files. If true, locate your configuration file (right-click -> Properties on the PDB) and remove the directives ARCHIVEWORK and WORKDIR, which will make VM use a temporary directory appropriate for each OS (%TEMP%\pvcs, /tmp/pvcs).

    If this was not the issue, figure out what the default workspace and matching default workfile locations for the project are (absolute
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