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Trying to add a Workfile to the Database Project using PCLI AddFiles

I am trying to add a workfile to the particular project in the Database using "pcli" utility :

/opt/oraclebase/build-tools/pvcs/vm/linux/bin/pcli addfiles -co -prd:/EFM_CCOandS_FDCS -pp/FSA_MiddleWare/Generic/Docs/ testFile.txt

I am getting back an error message :

Error: /opt/oraclebase/build-tools/testFile.txt: Unable to access. The filename may be illegal, the filename may already exist as a directory, part of the directory path may already exist as a file, the TEMP directory may not exist, or there may be insufficient privileges.
Create archive .

My destination folder "FSA_MiddleWare\Generic\Docs" is empty.
  • 0  
    Hello Vitaly,

    The error may indicate that VM failed to create a copy of the workfile in the Default Workfile Location for the project, which appears to resolve to /opt/oraclebase/build-tools/testFile.txt based on your default workspace (since you did not pass -sp).

    Can you confirm that your account has the ability to create that file? VM can create missing directories from the path, as long as your account has the ability to do this.

    Kind regards,

    - Richard.
  • 0  
    Hello Vitaly,

    The error may indicate that VM failed to create a copy of the workfile in the Default Workfile Location for the project, which appears to resolve to /opt/oraclebase/build-tools/testFile.txt based on your default workspace (since you did not pass -sp).

    Can you confirm that your account has the ability to create that file? VM can create missing directories from the path, as long as your account has the ability to do this.

    Kind regards,

    - Richard.