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Trying to add a Workfile to the Database Project using PCLI AddFiles

I am trying to add a workfile to the particular project in the Database using "pcli" utility :

/opt/oraclebase/build-tools/pvcs/vm/linux/bin/pcli addfiles -co -prd:/EFM_CCOandS_FDCS -pp/FSA_MiddleWare/Generic/Docs/ testFile.txt

I am getting back an error message :

Error: /opt/oraclebase/build-tools/testFile.txt: Unable to access. The filename may be illegal, the filename may already exist as a directory, part of the directory path may already exist as a file, the TEMP directory may not exist, or there may be insufficient privileges.
Create archive .

My destination folder "FSA_MiddleWare\Generic\Docs" is empty.
  • 0  
    Hi Vitaly,

    The RootWorkspace directory C:\Projects\FSA_MiddleWare\Generic\Docs won't work out well for a Linux box. You should create an additional workspace and changing its workfile directory to somewhere valid for this OS, then consistently refer to this workspace.

    [rgering@or-rgering-el7 ~]$ pcli GetWorkLocation -pr//vmfs/One -idroot
    Serena PVCS Version Manager (PCLI) v8.6.0.0 (Build 370) for Linux/x86_64
    Copyright (C) 1985-2017 Serena Software. All rights reserved.
    [rgering@or-rgering-el7 ~]$ pcli CreateWorkspace -pr//vmfs/One -idroot /@/Public/Linux
    Serena PVCS Version Manager (PCLI) v8.6.0.0 (Build 370) for Linux/x86_64
    Copyright (C) 1985-2017 Serena Software. All rights reserved.
    Workspace "/@/Public/Linux" created.
    [rgering@or-rgering-el7 ~]$ pcli SetWorkLocation -pr//vmfs/One -idroot -sp/@/Public/Linux -w/tmp/work
    Serena PVCS Version Manager (PCLI) v8.6.0.0 (Build 370) for Linux/x86_64
    Copyright (C) 1985-2017 Serena Software. All rights reserved.
    Work Location "/tmp/work" set.
    [rgering@or-rgering-el7 ~]$ pcli GetWorkLocation -pr//vmfs/One -idroot -sp/@/Public/Linux
    Serena PVCS Version Manager (PCLI) v8.6.0.0 (Build 370) for Linux/x86_64
    Copyright (C) 1985-2017 Serena Software. All rights reserved.
    [rgering@or-rgering-el7 ~]$

    From that point onward you can use "-sp/@/Public/Linux" with every PCLI command that needs a workfile location, and it will use the location you assigned to this workspace with the SetWorkLocation command. Note that the public workspace name "Linux" could of course be anything you want, and the directory "/tmp/work" is but an example.

    With kind regards,

    - Richard.
  • 0  
    Hi Vitaly,

    The RootWorkspace directory C:\Projects\FSA_MiddleWare\Generic\Docs won't work out well for a Linux box. You should create an additional workspace and changing its workfile directory to somewhere valid for this OS, then consistently refer to this workspace.

    [rgering@or-rgering-el7 ~]$ pcli GetWorkLocation -pr//vmfs/One -idroot
    Serena PVCS Version Manager (PCLI) v8.6.0.0 (Build 370) for Linux/x86_64
    Copyright (C) 1985-2017 Serena Software. All rights reserved.
    [rgering@or-rgering-el7 ~]$ pcli CreateWorkspace -pr//vmfs/One -idroot /@/Public/Linux
    Serena PVCS Version Manager (PCLI) v8.6.0.0 (Build 370) for Linux/x86_64
    Copyright (C) 1985-2017 Serena Software. All rights reserved.
    Workspace "/@/Public/Linux" created.
    [rgering@or-rgering-el7 ~]$ pcli SetWorkLocation -pr//vmfs/One -idroot -sp/@/Public/Linux -w/tmp/work
    Serena PVCS Version Manager (PCLI) v8.6.0.0 (Build 370) for Linux/x86_64
    Copyright (C) 1985-2017 Serena Software. All rights reserved.
    Work Location "/tmp/work" set.
    [rgering@or-rgering-el7 ~]$ pcli GetWorkLocation -pr//vmfs/One -idroot -sp/@/Public/Linux
    Serena PVCS Version Manager (PCLI) v8.6.0.0 (Build 370) for Linux/x86_64
    Copyright (C) 1985-2017 Serena Software. All rights reserved.
    [rgering@or-rgering-el7 ~]$

    From that point onward you can use "-sp/@/Public/Linux" with every PCLI command that needs a workfile location, and it will use the location you assigned to this workspace with the SetWorkLocation command. Note that the public workspace name "Linux" could of course be anything you want, and the directory "/tmp/work" is but an example.

    With kind regards,

    - Richard.
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