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Unable to View or Edit any files in some Version Manager projects

We are experiencing an issue in Version Manager where we are unable to open any files (View or Edit) in several of our projects. We have one project that works without any issues. The rest give the following error when we attempt to open any files in the project:

The archive, "T:\PVCS\archives\FilePath\" could not be found at the specified location. Either this archive no longer exists or you cannot currently access this location. Please try the action again. Contact your Serena administrator for further assistance.

The FilePath and are obviously specific to each file. It doesn't matter what file we try to open the error is the same. All of the -arc file are there and all of the rights to these paths and files are the same as they are for the project that is working.
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    Hello Kyle,

    Can you indicate what VM release the client is running? Same for server, if there is one. Please indicate the OS versions too.

    Do these errors show up in the desktop client GUI or in the VM I-Net web client? If web client, try a desktop client GUI: same behavior?

    If the GUI is also affected: are you running the VM File Server at all? If yes, or if the behavior is only in the VM I-Net web client, restart the server process/service and retest.

    Running the VM Debug collector from KB doc
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    Client: 8.1.2 en_US (Build 110)
    Client OS: Windows 10
    Server: Build vm81_20_110
    Server OS: Windows Server 2003 R2

    We only use the desktop client. It happens for all of our projects but one. We have restarted all services and even the entire server and still experience the same issue.
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    We'll need to know if the VM File Server is being used, as it determines whether the client will try to use the actual T: drive or pass the request on to the VM File Server, which changes way the file is read and therefore the troubleshooting process. The Debug log can get us that info. Just launch the GUI using this tool, then reproduce the problem and submit the output.

    Please note that the age gap between VM 8.1.2 and Windows 10 is very large (over 9 years; VM 8.1.2 did not support Windows clients beyond Windows XP), so expect to find problems due to Windows architecture changes (specifically ones related to UAC). Your company should really upgrade to VM 8.5.3 or VM 8.6.

    Kind regards,

    - Richard.