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PVCS: version labels logging


Is PVCS generate any log who has moved/deleted labels?
I did not find any option regarding which user has moved the labels.


  • 0  

    If you have Journal Files enabled in your Project Database (Admin -> Configure Project -> Journal File) you can see who changed your labels via Actions -> Show Journal.

    If Journal Files are not enabled you can only see the current state of the labels, using Show History. Enabling Journal Files now will record future changes, but cannot show past ones.

    Kind regards,

    - Richard.
  • 0  

    If you have Journal Files enabled in your Project Database (Admin -> Configure Project -> Journal File) you can see who changed your labels via Actions -> Show Journal.

    If Journal Files are not enabled you can only see the current state of the labels, using Show History. Enabling Journal Files now will record future changes, but cannot show past ones.

    Kind regards,

    - Richard.
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