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Serena Migration to another Code Versioning System (Git)

My company is currently exploring to migrate from Serena to another code repository (Git) Is there any way to migrate to Git? or an intermediate alternative?
I found this third party alternative that migrate to SVN (and from there was looking into a way to migrate to Git) but honestly I couldn't make it work.

Any guidance will be greatly appreciated
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    Hello Oliver,

    Migrating to another SCM tool requires a migration utility and assistance provided by the creators of that tool, so I am afraid that I have no utilities or recommendations available on how to accomplish this for Git. You are best off reaching out to your Git provider, assuming you are not providing your own support for that.

    If your goal is to provide Git style functionality to your developers, it may be worth taking a look at Micro Focus Dimensions CM. We do have a migration utility from VM for that, as this is a tool we built. It even has the ability for a true Git client to connect to the repository, and provides an enterprise quality vault.

    Please let me know if you have any additional questions.

    With kind regards,

    - Richard.
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    Hello Oliver,

    Migrating to another SCM tool requires a migration utility and assistance provided by the creators of that tool, so I am afraid that I have no utilities or recommendations available on how to accomplish this for Git. You are best off reaching out to your Git provider, assuming you are not providing your own support for that.

    If your goal is to provide Git style functionality to your developers, it may be worth taking a look at Micro Focus Dimensions CM. We do have a migration utility from VM for that, as this is a tool we built. It even has the ability for a true Git client to connect to the repository, and provides an enterprise quality vault.

    Please let me know if you have any additional questions.

    With kind regards,

    - Richard.
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