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Correct Use of Promotion Model and Workspace

I'm using PVCS VM, we use Version Labels but I'd like to know What is the purpose and the correct use of Promotion Model and WorkSpace. And How Can Improve my enviroment using these features. I read the manual but It's not clear for me. I'd like to know How You uses these features on your enviroments

Sorry for my poor English.

Best Regards
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    Hello Gerald,

    Could you please elaborate on what you mean by blocking the file? Version Manager does not feature the ability to prevent everyone from making a change to a file based on the stage of a promotion group. You can control who can promote or perform certain operations, but you cannot prevent a developer from checking out a revision and continue development.There generally is no need for that, though, since a developer is not able to change the previously checked in revision.

    Which issue are you trying to resolve or prevent from happening?

    Thanks in advance for your reply.

    Kind regards,

    - Richard.
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    Hello Gerald,

    Could you please elaborate on what you mean by blocking the file? Version Manager does not feature the ability to prevent everyone from making a change to a file based on the stage of a promotion group. You can control who can promote or perform certain operations, but you cannot prevent a developer from checking out a revision and continue development.There generally is no need for that, though, since a developer is not able to change the previously checked in revision.

    Which issue are you trying to resolve or prevent from happening?

    Thanks in advance for your reply.

    Kind regards,

    - Richard.
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