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Correct Use of Promotion Model and Workspace

I'm using PVCS VM, we use Version Labels but I'd like to know What is the purpose and the correct use of Promotion Model and WorkSpace. And How Can Improve my enviroment using these features. I read the manual but It's not clear for me. I'd like to know How You uses these features on your enviroments

Sorry for my poor English.

Best Regards
  • 0

    Thanks Richard,

    I really appreciate the information you Share with us.

    Based on your comment it will very helpfull for us use a Promotion Model.

    I was reviewing our requirements and I think our promotion Model will be something like this (I think this is the most general case in many enviroments):

    My question is if We can apply some controls in some cases, for Example in our environment When a developer block a file with the check out operation and selects the stage Development we need to maintain the file blocked while the file has not passed the production state, after the file is promoted from the production stage the file will be unblocked.

    But if we need to apply an urgent change. We select BugFixes, so the file needs to be unblocked.

    How Do I manage these type of controls? Or Is there another way to implements this type of controls.

    Best Regards,
  • 0

    Thanks Richard,

    I really appreciate the information you Share with us.

    Based on your comment it will very helpfull for us use a Promotion Model.

    I was reviewing our requirements and I think our promotion Model will be something like this (I think this is the most general case in many enviroments):

    My question is if We can apply some controls in some cases, for Example in our environment When a developer block a file with the check out operation and selects the stage Development we need to maintain the file blocked while the file has not passed the production state, after the file is promoted from the production stage the file will be unblocked.

    But if we need to apply an urgent change. We select BugFixes, so the file needs to be unblocked.

    How Do I manage these type of controls? Or Is there another way to implements this type of controls.

    Best Regards,
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