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Correct Use of Promotion Model and Workspace

I'm using PVCS VM, we use Version Labels but I'd like to know What is the purpose and the correct use of Promotion Model and WorkSpace. And How Can Improve my enviroment using these features. I read the manual but It's not clear for me. I'd like to know How You uses these features on your enviroments

Sorry for my poor English.

Best Regards
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    Hi Richard,

    Sorry for the delay in my response,

    What I was trying to do is restric the operation "Promote".

    In our enviroment when a user from the Developer Group check out a file, He can only select the Development stage, only a specific part of users from the developers group can select the BugFixes option, Sometime this is a simple requirement (Change the color of a form, etc) that can be fixed quickly.

    I found the option restrict by promotion group which is ok for us, so I restricted the Developer Group only for the Development Stage, and after We created a New Group called SOAP and We restricted it to "BugFixes" and "Development".

    We restricted the other groups based on the Stage ("QA", "Production").

    But I have some doubts about how Can I managed an specific situation,

    for Example We have the next promotion model:

    In the committe we review the package and if everything is okay it'll pass to production.

    My question is If we found a Bug in "QA" We need to return the package to Development, but It only can be performed it by the administrator, because He has all privileges, my question if We can restric the promote operation for the QA group, They only can promote to the next level(Committe) or change the promotion group to development or BugFixes, not to Production, is there any way for do that?

    And Finally What is the best to manage the rollback operation in PVCS VM based on this scenario, using Version Labels, Promotion Groups?

    Thats are some controls that we need to apply, but If There is a best practice that we can apply we are open to hear your suggestions.

    I Hope my questions aren't too overwhelming.

    Thanks for share your experience with us.

    Best Regards,
  • 0

    Hi Richard,

    Sorry for the delay in my response,

    What I was trying to do is restric the operation "Promote".

    In our enviroment when a user from the Developer Group check out a file, He can only select the Development stage, only a specific part of users from the developers group can select the BugFixes option, Sometime this is a simple requirement (Change the color of a form, etc) that can be fixed quickly.

    I found the option restrict by promotion group which is ok for us, so I restricted the Developer Group only for the Development Stage, and after We created a New Group called SOAP and We restricted it to "BugFixes" and "Development".

    We restricted the other groups based on the Stage ("QA", "Production").

    But I have some doubts about how Can I managed an specific situation,

    for Example We have the next promotion model:

    In the committe we review the package and if everything is okay it'll pass to production.

    My question is If we found a Bug in "QA" We need to return the package to Development, but It only can be performed it by the administrator, because He has all privileges, my question if We can restric the promote operation for the QA group, They only can promote to the next level(Committe) or change the promotion group to development or BugFixes, not to Production, is there any way for do that?

    And Finally What is the best to manage the rollback operation in PVCS VM based on this scenario, using Version Labels, Promotion Groups?

    Thats are some controls that we need to apply, but If There is a best practice that we can apply we are open to hear your suggestions.

    I Hope my questions aren't too overwhelming.

    Thanks for share your experience with us.

    Best Regards,
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