No problem with the command as such, but what are the date formats? Cannot find an explanation in PCLI users guide, i.e. the long ugly numbers in red below?
<VersionedFile EntityPath="/Proj/somecode.cbl" Name="somecode.cbl" ArchivePath="D:\Somepath\Proj\archives\Proj\somecode.cbl-arc" ArchiveOwner="johndoe" CreateTime="1179299264000" LockCount="0" RevisionCount="15" WorkPath="." WorkPathNamespace="0">
<Revision EntityPath="/Proj/somecode.cbl/1.14" Name="1.14" Author="janedoe" LockCount="0" ModificationDate="1602767058000" CheckedInDate="1603107676000">
<ChangeDescription>Maskinell ändring av CALL_DML, Task 154811
Probably makes sense to someone, but an explanation in the documentation would have been nice.