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For version control purposes, can I export/import SBM appscripts and javascripts?

I would like to be able to export and (less important) import appscripts and javascripts in SBM so that I can use Version Manager to store the revisions. (Incidentally, I think VM requires that the script names not have spaces).
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    Check with Serena support for a ScriptExporter utility. Alternatively, you might be able to dig them out of the MSD (blueprint) file which, as you probably know, is just a zip.My own practice is to use a version control utility when developing AppScripts and JavaScripts. I create these as individual files outside of Composer using an editor like Notepad , do the version control at that stage, then import the code into Composer.
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    Hi @Paul , Does this Script exporter tool still exists ? (also does it have some import function ?)
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    Seems like the support have no Infos about this tool..:D
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    To match what Composer can do with verification, including knowing when $ INCLUDE matches the name of the calling or called script, I would have to copy and paste, verify, modify, and copy and paste again, but I guess that's OK.