Check list to help troubleshooting Dimensions 14.X CM Pulse after performing a standard Dimensions CM installation.


Use this check list to help you troubleshoot Dimensions 14.X CM Pulse after performing a standard Dimensions CM installation:
1.         Verify that Tomcat is up and running correctly:
           If you can connect to the CM web client and administration console successfully, but not to Pulse, there is probably a Pulse configuration problem.
           To get a clear picture of the issues, delete the existing Tomcat logs and start with a clean set of logs: \Serena\common\tomcat\8.0\logs
2.         Check the Pulse logs:
           Windows: C: \ProgramData\Serena\Pulse\_logs
           UNIX/Linux: $DM_ROOT/pulse_data/_logs
Look for incorrect information in the Pulse configuration file located in the conf sub-directory.
3.         Verify that the Pulse database has been created properly and that you can access it via sqlplus.
4.         See the chapter Dimensions CM Pulse: Solutions to Common Issues in the System Administration Guide.
If the issues persist please raise a case with Serena support.


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