Self-service portlet - Porlet Name not displaying


I have setup a Self-Service Porlet in my private pages and the porlet name does not display, only the dashboard page name:

When I edit the Self-Service Porlet, the Porlet name has been configured as "Project Work Plan Template Usage" and I have more than one Portlet View as per screenshot:

How do I change the "By default, display this portlet without a border" option because I am sure this is the issue. The Option is not editable.

Thank you.


Alfred Puth

iOCO: Senior PPM Consultant

  • Verified Answer


    Hi Alfred,

    Default Self-Service Portlet Java Portlet definition does not have the options to show portlet without borders disabled. Did anyone change that directly in the database? For example to prevent showing titles on a Dashboard where someone wanted "slicker" look and feel? 

    If you're willing to go the DB Edit way, the table you're looking for is DSH_PORTLET_DEFS, the record is PORTLET_DEF_ID = 30091 (at least on my env, you should double-check it), and the columns to update to 'N' are BORDERLESS and SUPPORT_BORDERLESS.

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    Thanks Etienne,

    I used the DB and updated to 'N' for BORDERLESS and SUPPORT_BORDERLESS in DSH_PORTLET_DEFS. I picked this up in our Dev environment.

    I will migrate the Selef-Service Portlet from Dev to the other environment to ensure that I don't update in the DB again.


    Alfred Puth

    iOCO: Senior PPM Consultant

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    I'm not sure whether migrating over a seed data java portlet definition is a good idea - it might end up creating a copy of it. 

    If DB update in Prod is an option, personally I'd stick to it. 

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    Thanks Etienne,

    I verified PPM QA and no duplicate create. Will use the DB update in Prod to be safe.


    Alfred Puth

    iOCO: Senior PPM Consultant