How to edit Java Portlets in 24.1

IN PPM 24.1 version I would like to edit a java portlet, the product is deploy in Saas Amazon Linux

I want to add a new column, like a ‘Work Plan % Complete,’ but for the budget, to monitor its consumption with a progress bar.

I'll be greateful for your advises, help or support.

Thanks in advance


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    Hi Emmanuel,

    You cannot edit Java Portlets. You should either create a new list portlet (or a Self-Service Portlet Data Source + Grid View), but you won't get the nice icons for status & progress bar. Or you could build everything from scratch with an HTML+ portlet. but that's quite a bit of development work.

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    I have a doubt I understand that Java portlets are imported from PPM. Does anyone know how it would be possible to obtain the source code for those portlets? Where are they stored on the server?

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    If you check in the file PPM_HOME/conf/portlet.xml, you will find the definition of the "Project List" portlet, with all JSP/HTML pages used to render it listed inside.

    However, I would strongly advise against modifying these files, or even use them as a base to build your own java portlet - they are relying on PPM internal APIs, and these are likely to change in future verisons, making upgrades a massive headache.

    We strongly advise you to rely on HTML+ portlet instead - if you have the technical skills to modify a built-in Java Portlet, then you definitely have what's needed to build an HTML+ portlet that will render exactly the information you need, in the way you need.

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    thanks for the advise Etienne