Bulk Update of Validation


There is a built in validation that is currently being used by multiple fields in multiple Request Types.

Since we can't modify a built in validation, I am thinking of making a copy of that validation and do the modification I needed.

But the next question would be how could I bulk update the existing validation with the new validation?

Is there a way to easily update all the fields validation in bulk instead of one by one changing it?

Appreciate your response and help on this. Thank you.

  • Verified Answer


    Hi Bryan,

    No, there's no way to do that - changing which validation is used is somethig that has to be done in every "source" entity (typically request fields, but it could also be reports fields, user data field, etc.).

    Note also that some PPM pages are using "hard-coded" validations, and if they are using this built-in validation that you want to modify, you won't be able to modify it there as you're not supposed to change PPM pages source code. For example, the "Resource details" or "Search Resource" page is the first one that comes to mind, but it could be also Staffing Profile Positions or resource pool page, etc. 

    If you're lucky, you will be able to point PPM pages to your custom validation if (and only if) these page fields support "custom validations", i.e. if they are listed in PPM_HOME\conf\validations\seed\validations.conf - check in the comments at the start of this file to learn more about PPM custom validations, as well as the file  PPM_HOME\conf\validations\readMe.txt ; if you decided to mess with some built-in validations then it's very likely this file will be of great interest to you.

  • Verified Answer


    Hi Bryan,

    No, there's no way to do that - changing which validation is used is somethig that has to be done in every "source" entity (typically request fields, but it could also be reports fields, user data field, etc.).

    Note also that some PPM pages are using "hard-coded" validations, and if they are using this built-in validation that you want to modify, you won't be able to modify it there as you're not supposed to change PPM pages source code. For example, the "Resource details" or "Search Resource" page is the first one that comes to mind, but it could be also Staffing Profile Positions or resource pool page, etc. 

    If you're lucky, you will be able to point PPM pages to your custom validation if (and only if) these page fields support "custom validations", i.e. if they are listed in PPM_HOME\conf\validations\seed\validations.conf - check in the comments at the start of this file to learn more about PPM custom validations, as well as the file  PPM_HOME\conf\validations\readMe.txt ; if you decided to mess with some built-in validations then it's very likely this file will be of great interest to you.
