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Project Quality Scorecard Not visible on Project Summary after 9.22


Has anyone experinced this issue or have a sugestion on how to resovle this ?

We are in process of upgrading from 9.1 to 9.2   on our Dev instance and have been on 9.21 for over a week now... But as soon as we applied Service Pack 2 for 9.2 today to go to 9.22, we are noticing a LOT of errors.  These are the onces that are causing most concern to us at this point.


- "Project Quality Scorecard" is No longer Visible on Project Summary page, but surprisinlgy it only appears on pdf export like other Greyed out ones.

- And My server log is getting filled with Erros like this on any & every clicks on PPM
"The attachment file could not be downloaded. The file: manual/Skin/Images/ToolbarBackground.jpg no longer exists on the server."  I don't even have this "ToolbarBackground.jpg" file in that location and I know I haven't deleted any. So not sure what is goign on...  


Tried creatign a SR as well but still waiting on the response  :-(  ..  will appreciate your input.



  • 0

    Hi Raj,


    In these strange type of situations, I usually clear out the old files and let them recompile on the fly:

    1. Stop PPM

    2. Delete tmp & work directories under PPM_HOME/server/SERVER_NAME

    3. Start PPM (let the .jsp file recompile on the fly)

    4. Clear the browser cache

    5. Login to PPM to test again


    What is the "Project Quality Scorecard"? Which Guide can I find the information on this?

    I looked in the 9.14 Release Notes and the APM Guide, though not seeing it. If the above does not help, might have to look at re-deploying the solution in 9.2 version (though again, not sure exactly what it is or how it was deployed).



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    OK, found it. It is part of the ALM integration.


    Couple of notes in the Upgrade Guide (see below).  These comments are in the Guide about 4 or 5 times.


    Would this apply to your upgrade? Upgrade from a 9.12 or earlier? Try to upgrade the ALM?






    Note in Upgrade Guide:


    If you deployed an ALM content bundle for integration purpose on PPM Center
    version 9.12 or earlier, and configured any integration solutions using the ALM entities
    provided, to avoid any potential data loss with your integration solutions, make sure
    you upgrade PPM Center to version 9.14, then proceed to upgrade to version 9.20.


    Note that unless advised otherwise, HP strongly recommends you keep using the old
    ALM content bundle. There is no need to deploy a new ALM content bundle,
    regardless of which version of PPM Center you upgraded to.

  • Verified Answer

    0 in reply to 

    I was asking around and found out that the 9.22 version has a new plugin for that piece of ALM.


    See the 9.22 Release Notes for details on the plugin.


    Try installing the new plugin and see if everything works as expected.





    Downloading and Installing the HP ALM Integration Plug-in for PPM Version 1.1

    To download and install the HP ALM Integration Plug-in for PPM version 1.1:
    1. Obtain the plug-in bundles from the HP Live Network.
    a. Go to the PPM Community on HP Live Network.
    b. On the PPM Community home page, click Content Catalog.
    c. Click HP ALM Integration Plug-in for PPM (where HP is the provider).
    d. Click Downloads.

    The HP ALM Integration Plug-in for PPM - Downloads page opens.
    e. Click the ALM Integration Plug-in for PPM 1.1 folder.
    f. Click to download the package.
    This package contains the following two bundles:



    2. Stop PPM Server.
    3. Unzip the package and copy the two bundles to the <PPM_Home> directory.
    4. Deploy the bundles by running the following commands from the <PPM_Home>/bin directory.
    sh ./ -i PluginQuality
    sh ./ -i PluginQualityALM
    5. Repeat step 3 and step 4 for each of the server nodes in your cluster.
    6. Restart PPM Server.


    Note: HP recommends you restart the PPM Server to make sure that the integration bundles are properly deployed before you continue to deploy bundles for another integration solution.

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    Thank you mike_se,  I will see if this can resovle my issue ... 

    But surprisingly this software does not show up when tryign to download form HP Software upgade/patches Download Center .. Wonder why ?


    I will update you with my progress...








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    I think what it has to do with is that there are extreme corporate policies on getting software on to that official download area of the HP web site (goes back to the HP Printers for the drivers and software which are only really released once and that's it).


    Since PPM is a more fluid product, with new features and fixes being introduced all the time, HP Software has started using the HPLN to distribute software quickly to clients.


    Great, please do let us know how it goes.



  • 0 in reply to 
    Hi Mike,
    after applying above suggested patch for ALM, here is an interesting observation: After the set up from Workplan task, Proejct Overview Dashboard is not displaying either in summary tab (which was expected) or the Quality Tab ?? they only show other Trend Graphs... Any idea why that would be ?

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    You have a Project without a Project Overview tab in PPM?


    I searched the 9.22 Release Notes and do not find a "Project Overview".


    What are the steps that you are using to reproduce the issue? If you create a new Project does the same behavior occur?



  • 0 in reply to 

    You have a Project without a Project Overview tab in PPM?


    I searched the 9.22 Release Notes and do not find a "Project Overview".


    What are the steps that you are using to reproduce the issue? If you create a new Project does the same behavior occur?


