Idea ID: 2697090

Have check box as field type

Status: Delivered

Delivered in PPM 9.65.

It is a nice replacement for ACL multi-select when you don't have many values to pick from and want all values (selected and not) to be visible on the form without having to open the ACL Popup.

Make sure to turn on Feature Toggle "Enable Checkbox List Validation". 

See status update history

Currently PPM has different types of fields like Drop downs, ACL's, text etc. Can we add another field type as 'check box'?



  • I get that Checkbox would be the best option here, but yes/no button would also be better than DDL on your screenshot, so in the meantime you might want to leverage them for immediate usability improvement.

    Adding a new validation type is a significant & impactful change, so the votes bar before we consider it for implementation is pretty high - in other words, it may not be available any time soon and anything already available it worth considering.


  • I get that Checkbox would be the best option here, but yes/no button would also be better than DDL on your screenshot, so in the meantime you might want to leverage them for immediate usability improvement.

    Adding a new validation type is a significant & impactful change, so the votes bar before we consider it for implementation is pretty high - in other words, it may not be available any time soon and anything already available it worth considering.


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