Hi All.
I need to integrate the Financial Summary from external system. The capabilities required are:
- create a Forecast Line
- update Forecast cell
- update Actuals cell
I would like to use REST Web Services, but in my understanding such…
I have been attempting to update the position forecast data of a staffing profile through the Swagger UI using the POST function "/staffingProfile/saveHeader" which updates all header and position data in a SP. I was able to successfully update the description…
I am currently using the Demand REST API, PUT request to update a Request that's linked to a PPM Project.
The PPM Project has PPM Requests linked that represent Agile Features.(Field Group: Agile Integratio Info) The PPM Feature are pushed to…
I am trying to trigger an event when a field is updated by REST API. I prefer not to have to poll the transaction table. I would specifically like to send an email notification to specified users when a field value is changed by RESTAPI.
I have tried…
Running a SQL query in the Administration Console, SQL Runner, the results returned are limited to a 1000 records.
The REST Post request "sqlrunner/runSqlQuery" has the same limitation. I am sure that is because the Administration console SQL…
I have a java method that handles the PUT request for the REST API call to Add References:
protected void setRequestReference(String ppmBaseUrl, String username, String password, String restUrl, String sourceRequestId, String targetRequestIds…
I see that the REST API date format: "2023-04-15T02:11:31.000+02:00"
"requestType": "IS PMO Feature",
"sourceType": "INTERFACE_RI",
"fields": {
"field": [
"dateValue": "2023-04-15T02:11:31.000…
I used Swagger UI to test how I can get the Major Milstones.
Used GET request /pm/workplans/{workplanId}/taskHeaders to return all the work plan tasks:
"id": 3672982,
"name": "Functional Design Completed",
"level": 4,
"seq": 47,
Has anyone used the PPM provided REST APIs to pass multiple values in the filter?
e.g. we want to fetch the request of a request which are are 4 different statuses
we are planning to use API : /dm/requestTypes/{id}/requests
It has a filter…
I have a PUT Requets that updateds a request type.
According the the Interactive REST API Help I need to run the logout GET Request:
I use the admin user to authenticate the PUT Request and according to the ./kRunServerAdminReport.sh 2 the…