• PPM Excel Report - Filter not working

    Hello, I need help with Excel report filters. I am running the report with filters, but the query still returns data in Excel without applying the filters. I have the following code in my Excel: < jt:forEach items = "${datasources.get('dsPlanilhaOrcamentaria…
  • Adjust Rich Text Field Height and top bar

    Hi Etienne, We are on PPM 24.1 and Looking for some guidance where we can reduce the height of the Rich Text field. Currently when we add "Rich Text Field" the field height almost consumes most of the space (as shown below). We want to reduce the height…
  • Groovy Script (ksc_run_groovy) output

    Hi, After running a Groovy script in an execution step, Is there any way to read the returned output? We have tried some options inside the groovy script like print, println, System.out.println/print function, but we cannot see the result on the execution…
  • PPM: Assistance with Bulk Project Import Using "Import Request from XML"

    I am attempting to perform a bulk import of projects into OpenText PPM using the "Import Request from XML" option, but I am encountering the following error: "Missing expected element" . I would appreciate guidance on: The mandatory elements that…
  • Set default parameters in WorkPlan for scheduling

    Hi, I wanted to ask for help to set the value of “Insert Scheduled Fields” as ' Insert Scheduled Start and Scheduled End' instead of the current 'Insert Scheduled Start and Scheduled End', this on all current and future WorkPlans as default.
  • Can't update SP position forecast data using Interactive REST API

    I have been attempting to update the position forecast data of a staffing profile through the Swagger UI using the POST function "/staffingProfile/saveHeader" which updates all header and position data in a SP. I was able to successfully update the description…
  • Enable Save Draft in 24.1 for certain request types

    Hi Etienne/Team, Is there a way, in 24.1 where we can enable "Save Draft" for certain request types and not have it enabled for all request types globally?
  • Error after upgrade PPM 23.4

    Hello, I have some errors on executing the kStart.sh after finish the upgrade to PPM 23.4. We were running PPM 2023.0.0 with Oracle on-premises, and during the upgrade we had no error, but when running kStart, these errors prevented the application…
  • Changes via RT Rules for a "Notes History"-enabled field Are Not Being Captured

    In one of our RTs, we have a non-editable field called "Priority Sequence" whose value is calculated by some RT Rules. This field has its "Notes History" setting enabled in the RT form. We have another field, "Priority Sequence Override". If this field…
  • "Internal error. Please contact your PPM administrator." on Program

    Hi Team, We are encountering some unexplained issue on 9.62, details as below. - Users trying to link Proposal to Programs via the Proposal request form, there is a field that allows then to select the Program. But when they do that on the "Program…
  • Configurable default access settings for Financial Summaries

    Is it possible to set some sort of default access settings for a Financial Summary? The current defaults mean that PMs need to do a manual steps with the access to assign individuals to the FS Security. Additionally, giving the View/Edit All FS access…
  • Associated Projects to Program via Rules/Commands

    I understand that Prog Mgrs can associate projects to their programs by adding them to the Program Contents, and the corresponding KNTA_ASSOCIATED_PROGRAMS token on the project header is filled in with the program ID. Is it possible to do the reverse…
  • Discount Rate Field Missing From Program RT

    Our customer has a requirement to change the default "Discount Rate" that is being used by a Program RT's Financial Summary in PPM. I understand that this is supposed to be an OOTB field with token KNTA_DISCOUNT_RATE. The field is visible for our Project…
  • Resource Pool Management Mess

    Hello Community, I have an account that, years ago, created a multitude of child pools under Global. A new leadership team arrived and abandoned them, I think, because the didn't see the value this approach provided for what's really a relatively small…
  • Passing a token to SetWorkplanStatus

    Hello Community, Has anyone had success with passing a token to SetWorkplanStatus? We have an issue that occurs intermittently where the workplan status is not set to complete when the project is closed through the workflow. Oddly enough the execution…
  • User management console in PPM GUI

    Hello, What happened to the user management console in PPM GUI? When i go to Open -> Administration -> Open User Management Console all I can see is blank page. This happened after last update to version 2023. Best regards JK.
  • Create Program with Subprograms

    Hello, everyone. I would like to know if its possible to create a program with subprograms, that has its own projects. Like this example below At the portfolio example, would be a way to use a major Program with programs and projects associated. I know…
  • Allocations change month according to the filter in Staffing Profile.

    Hi, I have noticed that sometimes when the allocations are entered in the last week of a month, they either are included in the next month or the correct one. It depends on the filter we choose... For example, in the screenshot below. Here, when…
  • Data Source for Excel Report Fails Only When Report Scheduled (PPM 9.66)

    Hello All, I have an odd issue where my Excel (Jett) Report, which uses a PPM data source, completes successfully when run immediately (see log below): Running report adjustment_audit_report_template.xlsx Looking for template in: /opt/ppm/conf/custom_excel_templates…
  • Help Content - Formation on Resource Pool Management

    Hi all, As part of our work on PPM we would like to provide to our Resource Pool Managers content with insights and features on Staffing Profiles. We feel like there is often questions from them that we sometimes have trouble to answer to. This will…
  • How does ksc_copy_request handle attachment fields?

    We're looking at the use-case of using the ksc_copy_request command in an RT's workflow to create a read-only "snapshot" of a request, that would track a request's contents at a specific points of the workflow including the documents uploaded in its attachment…
  • SSL Error When Running kStatus

    Hello, We are setting up our environment, after applying the license, kconfigcheck and also kStart has ran successfully with no errors. But when we run Kstatus, we get an SSL error. Checking rmis://servername:port/KintanaServer --> Error: Unable…
  • PPM changing workplan value when it upload a new one

    When the user upload a workplan as mpp file, there is one column that is changed everytime they upload to PPM. This '% planned' its submited as 89% in the mpp file, but when the file its fully uploaded on PPM, PPM change this value to 69%. This…
  • Using filters on the multiple datasource callback method

    Hi everyone! I'm trying to apply a filter on the callback method, and I'm getting this error: Basically what I'm trying to do is: let projectFilter; if(filters.project_name.length>0){ projectFilter = filters. project_name [ 0 ].label…
  • Search Projects By Project Type - PPM 9.66

    Hello All, We have created an Internal Project Request Type where access is set to our company security groups only, and our customer groups cannot see. We created a project type for these as well. In our testing with customer user accounts, we found…