• HTML+ Portlet using the fetch API to get data from webhook server failure

    Hi, The objective is to get JSON data from the webhook server. I am getting a failure on the HTML+ portlet when using the fetch API to do a REST POST Request to the webhook server: Refused to connect to ' flaalmmvb01.mtn.co.za:5000/.../OctaneDetails…
  • HTML+ Portlet : To update or insert data in custom table

    Hi Etienne, Is there feasibility or ability to use HTML+ Portlet to update or insert data in custom table. Are there examples which we can refer to?
  • HTML Portlet multi datasource implementation

    Hi, We have two different portlets related to display notices. One will shows system notice and another will show project specific notices. With the new HTML portlet which now supports display of data from two different datasource, we want to implement…
  • how to include html portlet in the email content

    we are planning to achieve mobility feature. But th e mobility feature is only allowing static text content however we are looking to add dynamic data to that email. so can we include HTML Portlet in email notification. Thanks in Advance. Revathi
  • RE: HTML Portlet

    Hi, I know it's an old question, but I just had the problem. You need to configure the utility portlets URL in the uriworkermap.properties file if you use PPM with an external web server. Just make sure you have the following line in your uriworkermap…