The objective is to get JSON data from the webhook server.
I am getting a failure on the HTML+ portlet when using the fetch API to do a REST POST Request to the webhook server:
Refused to connect to ' flaalmmvb01.mtn.co.za:5000/.../OctaneDetails…
Hi everyone!
I'm trying to apply a filter on the callback method, and I'm getting this error:
Basically what I'm trying to do is:
let projectFilter;
projectFilter = filters. project_name [ 0 ].label…
I have created a JavaScript function for the HTML Plus Portlet with a "return" keyword but the function keep on returning null.
Inside the function the values return using:
The Function:
/ Get the Request Type ID to be…
Hi! I'm trying to implement a new datasource to use on my HTML+ portlet. And I'm getting these erros:
The ref code
I'm just trying to show the attached datasource on the console, with this script:
I'm on the version 9.66. Everything about…
Hello! We just upgraded one of our environments from 9.62 to 9.66 and started getting the following error in the html+ portlets org.apache.commons.logging.LogConfigurationException: org.apache.commons.logging.LogConfigurationException: org.apache.commons…
Hello, everyone.
My objective is to use a list portlet, or any portlet on PPM that can be filtered by the URL. I am using a HTML+ portlet that I would add a link on a certain place, that would get me to this page with another portlet, with some filters…
I need to do Custom Analyze Assignment Load portlets or Excel report.
I have looked at the D3 and Apache ECharts APIs to do a close simulation of the out of the box Analyze Assignment Load Portlet with the HTML Plus portlet capability.
The alternative…