Reflect Exact Hours from JIRA Worklogs in PPM "Resource Usage" Page


We are using the JIRA connector to fetch actual effort from JIRA and sync it with PPM work plan tasks. Currently, the actuals are evenly distributed between the oldest and latest worklogs submitted for a task.

Is there a way to configure the system so that the exact hours from each individual worklog in JIRA are reflected exactly same in Resource usage page in PPM, rather than being spreading evenly?

Additionally, would it be possible to modify the connector code to achieve this?

Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


  • Verified Answer


    Hi Navneet,

    It's not currently possible to achieve this with work plan sync, because PPM does NOT differentiate the effort of a task over time. You only get the total effort between the actual start and actual finish, and effort will be considered distributed homgenously between these dates in the working hours.

    If you want to be able to capture different actual effort per day, you'll need to capture time with timesheets - which do allow this "per-day" effort granuality. The Jira connector can retrieve this "per day" effort when you sync the agile effort in the PPM timesheet. 

    As to whether modifying the connector would allow you to achieve this, well, yes and no. No, you will not be able to magically capture "per" day effort in the work plan in a single task, because this is a "core" PPM work plan task limitation  - however, you could decide to modify the connector to break down a task (story/issue) into multiple sub-tasks, each for a a different day(s) and with a different effort value. But honestly that would greatly complexify the generated work plan. If you're after "per day" effort, I would strongly suggest instead to look at doing timesheeting to capture actual effort instead.

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    Hi Etienne,

    I have a follow-up question regarding time management in above scenario. Does the use of REST APIs or web services enable automation of the timesheet creation, submission, and approval process by fetching daily effort data from Jira entities? In such a case, users could retrieve their daily effort data directly from Jira to automated weekly timesheets, eliminating the need for manual timesheet submissions.

    If this is not possible through the connector, are there any alternatives to achieve this?


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    Hi Navneet,

    The calls to get Agile Timesheet data are integrated in the existing Timesheet capture page, and is not REST-based. So there's no REST API to allow full automation of timesheet capture. On top of that, such an automation is usually NOT something you want to achieve: The time captured in Jira (or Octane, or any agile tool) is NOT the same "type" of time that would be captured in a timesheet - you never have things like exactly 8 hours a day, or other timesheet policies that would be required.

    As such, it is typically required to have some manual review & adjustment of imported time from agile tool when capturing a PPM timesheet, even when it is possible to import the time already captured in the agile tool.

    If you just want to import the agile effort "as-is", just do a work plan import from the agile tool, it will include the effort captured in the Agile tool, there's no point using timesheet for this. You may also want to change the connector source code if you want to import effort from agile tool in a different structure in your work plan that is not offered in the current connectors.