Mobile Menu - Web Dashboard Option

Hi, I am working on PPM Mobile. The 'Web Dashboard' menu option works fine from my computer. From my cell phone, nothing happens when I select the 'Web Dash' option. I notice that when I try to follow the full link to the Web Dashboard from my cell phone, I am redirected to my company's SSO, and then the link automatically redirects to the mobile version. So, from my cell, I will always end up at the mobile version of PPM regardless of my initial route. Is there a way around this so that I can access the web version of PPM from my cell?

  • Suggested Answer


    Hi Leeya,

    There may be a configuration problem of your SSO environment. Users should already have a SSO+PPM Session when using the Mobile UI, so there should be no need to ask them for SSO auth again when opening the Web Dashboard.

    Feel free to open a support ticket to get that looked into, as this may also be an application session management problem when using SSO (I assume you're using Generic Web SSO). 

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     Hi Etienne,

    Thank you for the reply! I am no longer being redirected to the SSO, I'm being taken straight to the mobile landing now. I am still not able to access the web version of PPM through the Web Dashboard mobile menu option when I use my cell phone. It works as expected when on my desktop. Is there anything I can do about this or should I still open a support ticket? 

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    Hi Leeya,

    Yes, please open a support ticket. This seems like a defect that you'll always be redirected to the mobile UI when clicking on the link to Web Dashboard in the Mobile UI when SSO auth is enabled.