ppm Upgrade 1000 Error

Hello Team,

Did any one face the Below Issue while upgrading to PPM version 9.63 to 10 and getting this...

[apperpkind1@hppm-dev-app ppm_1000]$ sh upgrade.sh
JAVA_HOME = /p01/erpkind1/ppmapp/jdk
java version "1.8.0_421"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_421-b25)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.421-b25, mixed mode)

Please enter the DB password for kintana:
Error: Could not find or load main class com.kintana.sqlminus.tools.TestConnection

Please enter the DB password for kintana:

It't Not Taking the PASSWORD and giving Error: Could not find or load main class com.kintana.sqlminus.tools.TestConnection.

my kintana user is conneting fine 

[apperpkind1@hppm-dev-app ppm_1000]$ sqlplus kintana/xxxxxxxxxxx 

Can anyone help on this, i m stuck at this point .

  • Suggested Answer


    Hello Kumaran,

    Per our meeting we found:

    1) The upgrade unzip must be placed under the PPM_HOME.  This is why the class not found was occurring.  “Could not find or load main class com.kintana.sqlminus.tools.TestConnection

    2) kUpdateHtml.sh must execute successfully before proceeding with upgrade.  The DB_PASSWORD had to be updated in the server.conf

    3) The specification for JDBC_URL must be jdbc:oracle:thin:@//server:port/pdb (please note the // before the server)

    4) We also used a new PPM_HOME for upgrade in PPM 10.  Thus, we need to copy the upgrade directory, to the newly created PPM_HOME.  This did not appear to be in the upgrade instructions.

    Best regards,


  • 0 in reply to   

    Hello Chris,

    Its really a great work  end excellent support by you, you are really awesome.

    your fixes help me to move forward to upgrade PPM to 10. All the above are required and need to validate before upgrade . Please do revise the upgrade and installation doc there needs lot of changes to be done.

    Thanks a lot for you help Chris ...!

