upgrade path to 24.2 (3) starting from 2023

Hi All.

I need to upgrade PPM, from 2023 to latest version, now 24.2.

From the upgrade guide, it seems that the step 2023 -> 24.1 is not needed and it is possible to upgrade direct from 2023 to 24.2

My questions:

  1. do I have well understood the upgrade path so can I proceed with the direct upgrade 2023 -> 24.2
  2. when should be available ppm version 24.3 ? 
  3. version 24.3 will support the direct upgrade path 2023 -> 24.3 ?

Best Regards, Silvio

  • Verified Answer


    Hi Silvio,

    1) You're correct. Also, we've made it a new practice since PPM 2023 that every future PPM release will be directly upgradeable from any version starting with 2023. So "upgrade path" is a thing of the past provided that you're on PPM 2023 or later - just upgrade direclty to whatever version you want to go to, there's no more stops on the way.

    2) It's currently tenatively planned to be released on early July. There's just one month to wait, and I'm very confident that you will love the new capabilities that we've included in this release. 

    3). Yes, as per explained in 1) we don't plan to include any more stops on the upgrade path as long as you're already on PPM 2023 or later.