Theme customization in 24.1

Hi Etienne,

Thank you for your response on the the thread. Few question on the CSS I tried referring to Global style sheets but was not able to gather the tags. Need guidance on which tags should we use to customize the theme for

1. Color change when selected menu items as below. From Blue to customer color

2. Color change from Blue to customer color on the table component

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    Hi Urva,

    Theme customization can make you change background/hover color on components, such as buttons, section header, grid header and so on.

    And also, you can add css code block to customize some styles.

    In short, you can change the style of any class on PPM pages.

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    Hi Urva,

    Theme customization can make you change background/hover color on components, such as buttons, section header, grid header and so on.

    And also, you can add css code block to customize some styles.

    In short, you can change the style of any class on PPM pages.

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