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Problems with the new update of Chrome in PPM!

New features introduced in Chrome 83, break PPM code for Auto-Complete popups. All PPM versions are impacted.  PPM R&D is working on the issue and soon details can be found at link QCCR1L69069. In the interim please either do not automatically take the Chrome update or use PPM with a different browser (Firefox/IE11).  You can also try and downgrade Chrome if you are impacted by this issue, until a solution is in place.

  • Verified Answer


    Hi Everyone,

    R&D came up with a tentative fix for all ACLs when using Chrome 83 . You should contact support to get an official hotfix for your PPM version.

    I can share the (simple) fix here if some of you want to apply the change manually, but please be aware that at this stage this is a beta code fix which hasn't gone through QA testing yet - so PLEASE back up the file you modify in case we come up with a better fix later.

    Beta Fix:

    Edit the file <SERVER_HOME>/deploy/itg.war/web/knta/global/js/CompValidation.js and make the following change (note that the line number will change depending on your PPM version - below screenshot uses PPM 9.61 code)

    patch 9.55 .JPG

    Here's the new code as text if you want to copy & paste:

    setTimeout( function() {popupDocument.location = newLoc}, 0 );

    You can change the file directly on PPM server while the server is running, no need to restart PPM for changes to take effect, just do a hard-refresh in your browser (CTRL F5) to load the updated JS file.

    Unfortunately this fix is too late to be included in PPM 9.61, so it should be part of PPM 9.62, tentatively planned for the end of August. In the meantime, we'll issue hotfixes for any (supported) PPM version you may be using that supports Chrome. Please contact Micro Focus Support for more info.

    Kind Regards,


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    The issue is with the latest version of chrome version 83. The previous version 81 does not have the issue, needless to mention that version 82 was skipped release due to COVID. 

    Checked in Chrome Incognito browser (to make sure the issue is not a cache issue), it was working fine. Hence if a customer says that they want to work only on Chrome, as an interim solution we can suggest them to use Incognito mode.

    Chrome's next upgrade, to version 84, will release on July 14.

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    Hello Preeti,
    Unfortunately incognito mode also doesn't help. As Etienne has pointed out, a new security feature introduced in Chrome 83 that's breaking current PPM code for Auto-Complete popups on practically all version of PPM.

    The fix provided above works perfectly fine in resolving the issue.

    Mehul Shah
    Microfocus SaaS Operations Lead

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    Hi  , we follow this steps and it worked fine for a couple of days, but now we have the issue again.

    We have PPM 9.51 and Chrome VersiĂłn 83.0.4103.97 (Build oficial) (64 bits)

    I checked all nodes and they have the fix in CompValidation.js file.


    Thank you

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    Hi Hugo,

    Indeed, please check this other thread we've opened yesterday with a fix for the issues introduced by Chrome 83.0.4103.97 upgrade:
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    Hi Etienne, good day, or night!

    I applied this new fix in our DEV and QA environments and it worked, but I had to restart and compile JSP to see the change in Chrome, it wasn’t like the first fix that we just needed to apply it and use ctrl F5 to refresh.

    I will apply the change in our Production nodes and see if we don’t need a restart in a couple of minutes, and If we need it, we will do it on Friday.

    Thank you for your help!
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    Good point, i'll update my post to precise this. Thanks!