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XML Importer for PPM 9.30



I need to upload user, validations and requests using the XML Importer, but it seems the Excel Addin for PPM 9.1X is not working form PPM 9.30. ÂżIs there a new version for the XML Importer Addin?


Thanks a lot,






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    The same old version for the XML Importer will work fine.

    Note however that if you want to import new requests and are on PPM 10.0.4 (recently released), you may want to first give a try to the "under development" feature name "Data Import/Export (Excel)". Make sure to set server parameter SHOW_UNDER_DEVELOPMENT_FEATURES first in admin console before checking the features list, otherwise it won't appear. 
    Once the feature is toggled on, log out and back in PPM then a new menu "Data Import/Export" should appear, where you can download Excel templates for any request types that can be filled in then uploaded back to PPM to create the Requests.

    This capabilty is available since 9.62, but it was significanly improved in 10.0.4, so using it before that version isn't as convenient (poor error display, including hidden and disabled fields in the template, order not matching request type layout, etc.).