Idea ID: 2877317

Use Application Name instead of Port from VTS

Status: Delivered

Delivered in 24.3

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Currently, we're using port numbers to identify and route traffic to our various applications. While this approach has served us well, it can become cumbersome to manage, especially as we scale and add more services.

To address this, I suggest that we transition from using port numbers to using application names as identifiers. Instead of specifying port numbers, we can use clear and intuitive application names to access our services. This change not only streamlines our configuration but also makes it easier for team members to work with our services.

Here's how it would work:

  • Each application will have a unique name.
  • We'll maintain a mapping of these application names to their corresponding ports and internal service addresses.
  • Nginx, our web server, will be configured to route traffic to the appropriate service based on the provided application name.

This transition will simplify our server configuration and improve the accessibility of our services, making it easier for team members to interact with different applications.


  • Thanks for quick response Remmelzwaal.

    I understand this cannot be extended. But i am looking a solution from nginx by using map method.

    For ex. my server is "Server=">">https://server" and another port would be "Server=">">https://server/port=1234", from this i want to use something like "Server=">">https://server/app=xyz".

    Also while starting new instance from VTS Name and Port is the mandatory fields, but why can't we use instance name instead of port to access VTS.

    If this can be done this would be great feature i guess.

  • Hi Pavan, 

    Could you please confirm if below make sense to you?
    add a new argument ("InstName") for lrvtc_connect_ex, when port forwarding enabled and InstName set, something like"">https://server/instname=xyz" will be sent to Nginx, in this way, we can map instance name to port  in Nginx side, then tunnel the request to target server.

  • Hi ,

    I agree with your proposal, but I like to request also for extending the "Server" argument to accept a longer URL:

    lrvtc_connect_ex("Server=">https://server/VTS-US", "InstName=MY_PROJECT1", ..., LAST);

    or even with port-number in URL

    lrvtc_connect_ex("Server=">https://server:8080/VTS-US", "InstName=MY_PROJECT1", ..., LAST);

    The use of the extended Server argument implies that we can access VTS via internal refers proxy and route to various VTS servers in multiple AWS regions. The configuration is then of cause not part of VTS's setup but that is OK. When an real Nginx is used by VTS it might be manually configured to do nice things as well.

    Let me know what you think.

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  • Hi ,

    I agree with your proposal, but I like to request also for extending the "Server" argument to accept a longer URL:

    lrvtc_connect_ex("Server=">https://server/VTS-US", "InstName=MY_PROJECT1", ..., LAST);

    or even with port-number in URL

    lrvtc_connect_ex("Server=">https://server:8080/VTS-US", "InstName=MY_PROJECT1", ..., LAST);

    The use of the extended Server argument implies that we can access VTS via internal refers proxy and route to various VTS servers in multiple AWS regions. The configuration is then of cause not part of VTS's setup but that is OK. When an real Nginx is used by VTS it might be manually configured to do nice things as well.

    Let me know what you think.

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