Idea ID: 2798211

Need after check "mark http erros as warnings" the script be PASSED

Status: Delivered

Solution offered by scripting.

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In some aplication that we are testing, it is normal to get some error code like 403 or 422. In these cases we mark the transaction as "Pass" using the "lr_set_transaction_status(LR_PASS)"

For avoid these situation, we have used "lr_continue_on_error" to be able to continue executing the script and "lr_set_transacion_status (LR_PASS)" to mark as "PASS" the transaction.

But with these 2 workaround, we have continue our script running and we have put the transaction to PASSED but our script status still been FAILED.

We need a function to change the final script status to PASSED if we have changed any transaction to from FAILED to PASSED.


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