Idea ID: 2878977

Get current setting of continue_on_error, so it can be temporarily adjusted.

Status: Waiting for Votes

The current status of continue_on_error cannot be obtained. This is very incontinent when one wants to write a library that should be transparent in respect to RTS; set in a LRE test or set manually by the user.

The same problem is solved for debugging: one can obtain the current setting and temporary change the setting in a script / library.

The function lr_continue_on_error() is declared as void. It is totally transparent when this function will return the the status of continue_on_error when the function lr_continue_on_error() was called. This prevents introducing a new API function and might be quick to implement.

Protocols/Languages: C, Java, JavaScript

Just an example:

int my_lib_init()
    int org_on_error_status;
    . . .
    org_on_error_status = lr_continue_on_error(LR_ON_ERROR_CONTINUE);
    web_custom_request("Validate if service is running", .... );
    if( web_get_int_property(HTTP_INFO_RETURN_CODE) != 200 ) {
        lr_log_message("Service for my_lib not found, functionality stays disabled.");
        return LR_FAIL; // Note this error can be ignored be caller.
    // Now we can setup the library details
    . . . 
    return LR_PASS;

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  • Hello Erik

    We have a way to set RTS settings, but the API is not public, and I am not sure if we have the get API.
    The one problem is, it is only for web, infra options are not included (like continue_on_error), we tend to implement a general way to get/set all the settings, not for a specific option.

    If we changed this another potential issue would be that this change would influence the mdrv process, so if you have 10 vusers, all will be impacted if they are in a same mdrv process; if you run vuser as process, only the current vuser is impacted

     Let me open for votes whilst we gauge demand and also consider how better to help.

  • Hi ,

    You wrote "If we changed this another potential issue would be that this change would influence the mdrv process, so if you have 10 vusers, all will be impacted if they are in a same mdrv process; if you run vuser as process, only the current vuser is impacted"

    I think that I might have not phrased my request clear enough. It is not about changing the RTS but discover the the initial configured RTS value of continue_on_error OR the current set value in a script.

    I like to change the continue_on_error status temporary in my library and when I'm done, I like to set the value it had before I called continue_on_error back. In this way I can be transparent to the user that is using my library like one can do with debugging.



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  • Hi Erik
    Thanks for the clarity, I spoke to the team about this and we understand your requirement.
    We understand this is about "get"; what I had been implying is to have a consistent way for both get and set of all the RST options.
    For example:  like a char lr_get_rts_key(char* name) and void lr_set_rts_key(char* name, char* value), therefore no need to add any other option's get/set if there is further requirements

     Cheers David

  • Hi Erik
    Thanks for the clarity, I spoke to the team about this and we understand your requirement.
    We understand this is about "get"; what I had been implying is to have a consistent way for both get and set of all the RST options.
    For example:  like a char lr_get_rts_key(char* name) and void lr_set_rts_key(char* name, char* value), therefore no need to add any other option's get/set if there is further requirements

     Cheers David

  • The idea for "what I had been implying is to have a consistent way for both get and set of all the RST options" is very interesting as well and I would love to have that available.

    Sometimes we have stability issues with HTTP 2.0 (or the other way around), so switching this would be awesome.

    You have to consider how to address the key names (chapters, sections, names). Please implement all (of most values).

    I can imagine that some RTS are taken bij the mdrv-process and are not re-evaluated and are static for a script. So those should return an error on set, etc.


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