Unable to Record Traffic from AWS AppStream 2.0 Using LoadRunner

Hello Community,

I am currently working on performance testing for a desktop-based application hosted on AWS AppStream 2.0. We are using LoadRunner 25.1 to record traffic, but we are facing several challenges.

Environment Details:

  • Performance Testing Tool: LoadRunner 25.1
  • Application Type: Desktop-based, hosted on AWS AppStream 2.0
  • Access Method: Using Chrome browser to access AWS AppStream (also tried using the AppStream client application)
  • Operating System: Windows

Challenges Faced:

  1. LoadRunner is unable to capture traffic properly when accessing the application via Chrome through AWS AppStream 2.0.
  2. Protocol identification is unclear—we are unsure of the best protocol(s) to use for recording in this setup.
  3. Encrypted traffic or session-based dependencies make correlation and parameterization difficult.
  4. No clear documentation or best practices for using LoadRunner with AWS AppStream 2.0.

Request for Assistance:

  • Has anyone successfully recorded and replayed a desktop-based application running on AWS AppStream 2.0 using LoadRunner?
  • What are the recommended protocols and configurations for this environment?
  • Are there any workarounds or additional settings required to capture the traffic successfully?
  • Is there any official documentation or guidance on this scenario?

Any insights, recommendations, or step-by-step guidance would be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!
Mohammad Zaid Siddiqui

  • Suggested Answer


    Hi  , I've no experience with AWS AppStream 2.0, but it looks like Citrix. When applications are streamed via (presented in) Chrome Browser (with heavy use of JavaScript to protect communication etc.), You might consider to use the protocol TruClient or TruClient2.0. These protocols replay with a head-less browser, so all the JS handking is native and you do not have to think about what is going on at e.g HTTP level.

    For high-end testing, you might need some extra hardware because head-less browser replay needs much more resources than e.g Web HTTP/HTML protocol.

    Regards, Erik

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