Step-by-step process to create LR SOAP script using Web Service protocol.

  • Load runner 
  • Version 2021 build 371
  • Windows
  • Can someone please provide step by step process to create LR SOAP script using web service protocol. I have the URL and raw data when I am trying to script. Not sure if I am missing anything. If I can get step by step process, it will be great help to do the scripting.


  • Suggested Answer


    Hi Mohammed,

    Apologize for the delayed response. To begin with, LR2021 is a pretty old version that is out of support. You will need to use the latest version 24.3 to generate your scripts. To generate a soap script, you can either directly import the soap request from any xml file or record the calls using Web Services protocol. Even for generating soap/WS scripts, you can either record them using a url or import directly from a wsdl file

    It all depends on how you have the AUT setup, what you are trying to record for soap/web services call and you can generate the scripts accordingly. Anything further to this, you will need to open a support ticket and work with us outside of this community as this will not be a simple Q&A type response and may need more deeper troubleshooting


    OT Support