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Truclient Scripting in Vugen : Recording and Replay not working [HIGH PRIORITY]

Hi ,

There is some issue with my Vugen, I am unable to record any Truclient web scripts and even unable to replay the existing truclient scripts, can some one please help me, it is very urgent for me to resolve this.

PS: I have tried multiple reinstallations, it didn't resolve the issue. and even tried with "No proxy" as well.

Please find the error screenshots below:

You can contact me on shashi2662007    AT

[Edit]: protect email address against spammers.

  • 0

    I see this behavior(replay not playing) now in Version 2022.

    1) TC Script loads - "Load succeeded"

    2) Click REPLAY - "Save succeeded" and no playback.

    Closing TruClient and re-opening does make it work/play--sporadically.

    Thank you,


    Joseph Young

    Consultant | Test Engineering






  • 0

    I see this behavior(replay not playing) now in Version 2022.

    1) TC Script loads - "Load succeeded"

    2) Click REPLAY - "Save succeeded" and no playback.

    Closing TruClient and re-opening does make it work/play--sporadically.

    Thank you,


    Joseph Young

    Consultant | Test Engineering






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