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TruClient: No AUT tab is detected

Hi all,

we have a script registered in TruClient-Chromium (version 2021 - R21) and when we launch the test from Controller we have, in some cases, the error message posted below: 

t=02673359ms: Error -205177: No AUT tab is detected. A browser internal tab may be opened.    [MsgId: MERR-205177]

I haven't seen this issue before and I can't find anything about it on the web. 

Can you explain me this particular message? The log doesn't say anything, just the message, and there aren't snapshot that can help me to understand. 

Thanks for your support!

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    2022 r1 still has the same issue.  

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    Hi I have found the same problem in LR Cloud.

    Did you find anything about the reason of this error, how to avoid it or how to solve?


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    What does this error mean:

    It means TruClient detects there is no script running for too long at the beginning. It will continue to the next iteration, it will not affect the test result.

    It means the machine is not able to do the step for too long, so TruClient timed out with this error. my suggestion is please reduce the Vuser numbers to speed up the machine.

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    This happens even with one Vuser.  When replayIng script on desktop or controller it runs fine.

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    Thanks Jason!

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    I reduced to 5 VUs per LG, but the error still comes, with fewer frequence, but still comes.

    But the most annoying thing is that it seems there is no way to recover from that.

    I tried with "catch any error" then "call the login function", but the result is always as follows:


    t=00174518ms: Step 1.3.7: Type ENINET\EXT2023053 in User Account emailbox started [MsgId: MMSG-205180]
    t=00498155ms: Error -205177: No AUT tab is detected. A browser internal tab may be opened. [MsgId: MERR-205177]
    t=00498618ms: Error -205177: Step 1.3.7: Type ENINET\EXT2023053 in User Account emailbox failed - Unspecified error Snapshot Info [MSH 1 0] [MsgId: MERR-205177]
    t=00498627ms: Step 1.3: Login was aborted due to an error in a child Step [MsgId: MMSG-205180]
    t=00498628ms: Step 1: Function Login was aborted due to an error in a child Step [MsgId: MMSG-205180]
    t=00498629ms: Step 3.1: Call Function Flow.Login was aborted due to an error in the called function [MsgId: MMSG-205180]
    t=00498630ms: Step 3: If (true) was aborted due to an error in a child Step [MsgId: MMSG-205180]
    Ending iteration 1.
    Starting iteration 2.
    Notify: Next row for parameter CLIENTE = 10633 [table = CLIENTE].
    Notify: Getting new value for parameter 'CLIENTE': table = 'Clienti.txt' column = '0' row = '10633'.
    t=00528092ms: Error -205177: No AUT tab is detected. A browser internal tab may be opened. [MsgId: MERR-205177]
    Ending iteration 2.
    Starting iteration 3.
    Notify: Next row for parameter CLIENTE = 41455 [table = CLIENTE].
    Notify: Getting new value for parameter 'CLIENTE': table = 'Clienti.txt' column = '0' row = '41455'.
    t=00558122ms: Error -205177: No AUT tab is detected. A browser internal tab may be opened. Snapshot Info [MSH 3 2] [MsgId: MERR-205177]
    Ending iteration 3.
    Starting iteration 4.
    Notify: Next row for parameter CLIENTE = 23336 [table = CLIENTE].
    Notify: Getting new value for parameter 'CLIENTE': table = 'Clienti.txt' column = '0' row = '23336'.
    t=00588106ms: Error -205177: No AUT tab is detected. A browser internal tab may be opened. Snapshot Info [MSH 4 3] [MsgId: MERR-205177]
    Ending iteration 4.


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    Sorry, my last post was a reply to Jason Yu...


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    The AUT itself caused this error. 

    Suggest updating the "navigation" step with no JS.