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Replace Json object value with another Json

Can you please help how replace Json value with another Json.

"AppId": "1234",
"Name": null,
"Number": 9878,
"RequestBody": "123",
"Date": null

I want to replace RequestBody with other Json

"Test": null,
"Value": 9878,
"Date": null

Expecting output: 

"AppId": "1234",
"Name": null,
"Number": 9878,
"RequestBody": "{"Test": null,"Value": 9878,"Date": null}",
"Date": null

I tried with below

lr_eval_json("Buffer={ResponseBody}", "JsonObject=MJO",LAST);
    lr_json_stringify("JsonObject=MJO","Format=compact", "OutputParam=response",LAST);

                 "JsonObject=json_obj", LAST);

      lr_json_stringify("JsonObject=json_obj","Format=compact", "OutputParam=newJsonBody",LAST);

I am getting 

"AppId": "1234",
"Name": null,
"Number": 9878,
"RequestBody": {"Test": null,"Value": 9878,"Date": null},
"Date": null

Issue: Double quotes are missing at RequestBody value. If I place manually It is not taking as Json