Idea ID: 2879197

LRP with latest Chrome version

Status: Delivered

Latest patch supports 128
Patch 1596541

TruClient 2.0 will soon be GA and the browser has been decoupled. So, customers are free to use whatever build they need.

See status update history

Hi Team,

The LRP to be packaged with latest chrome version (v125 or v126) so that it will not be reported as vulnerable in the Non-Permitted Technologies reporting scans.

Location: C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenText\LoadRunner\bin\chrome\chrome.exe


  • Thank you so much for the valuable information; it's been incredibly helpful to me. I really appreciate your effort in sharing this. I'll definitely be able to use this moving forward.

  • ,

    The chromium version shipped with LRP/LRE is thightly used with the LRP software. So updating it yourself will likely not work. LRP does ship twice a year a release and there are some patch releases as well. Those can contain updates of chromium version. For severe security issues patches are released rather quickly.

    So it helps to stay on the latest LRP version with patches, but when your security software only allow the last two Chrome versions, LRP will not keep up. The Chromium version of LRP is only used for testing, so you might ask your organization to make an exclusion for LRP.

    In our organization we have had once a false positive on one of the LRP components, so we worked that out with IT department and security vendor and made an exclusion.

    In the end it comes down to a balance of costs and risk and I would not like to see contract prices for LRP go up for policies that are too rigid.

    My vote will be -1.

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  • The chrome.exe included as part of LRP package needs to be the latest version.