• Step-by-step process to create LR SOAP script using Web Service protocol.

    Load runner Version 2021 build 371 Windows Can someone please provide step by step process to create LR SOAP script using web service protocol. I have the URL and raw data when I am trying to script. Not sure if I am missing anything. If I can get…
  • How to send cert details in TruClient protocol

    Hi, The below is the function which I use to send Cert details along with the REST API in Web HTTP Protocol which is already working. This is cert is placed on LG. web_set_certificate_ex ( "CertFilePath=D:\\LRE_Cert\\testinghost_gsm1900.org.pem" …
  • Vugen WebHTTP Protocol - Error from JS Engine - out of memory Error

    Hi, We are running WebHTTP protocol which has some .js files in Extra Files section of Vugen script and encountering the below error from Load Generators under the load. PoP.c(5): Error -26000: Error from JS Engine: "D:\LREhost\Temp\brr_UiR.737\netdir…
  • nca_wait_for_timer(NCA_TIMER_NEAREST); where to configure the value for NCA_TIMER_NEAREST

    I am scripting for Oracle forms application, I need to generate report which will be downloaded post clicking on Generate Report. In script it has recorded multipple nca_wait_for_timer(NCA_TIMER_NEAREST); functions. but script fails to replay…
  • How to record websocket requests and responses in Loadrunner?

    A project has a web application that is made on websockets for real-time language translation, I was trying to record it via Web HTTP/HTML protocol in Loadrunner but am unable to see the questions I had send and the response received from the server captured…
  • Windows Socket Protocol - SSL Required so using lrs_start_ssl - How Can I Add The Correct Certificate to this Request

    Hi all, We are using the Windows Socket Protocol to script an interface that requires SSL we have found the lrs_start_ssl function that allows to do the SSL Handshake however it is not completing that handshake successfully and we are getting the below…
  • Sending JSON with curly braces via web_custom_request

    Hi all, I'm trying to create a script where I can send JSON to my server via web_custom_request. The JSON example I have from Insomnia (similar to Postman) has curly braces. Since I know LoadRunner treats the curly braces as a parameter, do I need to…
  • Replace Special character (/ ,+, =) in correlated value to %2F,%2B,%3D respectively

    Hi, I did correlation and got the below value v3ly9m2hStJ/D/t3xnrg5XCg + 8 + FdQQD3KEbCUpN1hn3gH1zAMqa1Mo+hQGnKhO+fIUkPmFUcy9A7weHP0AHeC/FoJ3nhRuZk6US7SLplBeHN27wbrUzKyIdMvltAvreN9TdP0bRnPwFR5V7CNrNKQ == and I need to replace the special characters…
  • web_web_socket_connect is failing to connect with Error Invalid HTTP Status

    I have been trying to connect to a WebSocket by using web_web_socket_connect function. The script was initially recorded. When I play back the recorded script, the WebSocket is not connected, nor I can see the HTTP Status as '101' in the fiddler when…
  • { "error_description":" Authorization is Invalid or expaired "error": " Invalid_request "

    Hi All, Currently i am working SSO application, while recording the application during the recording using loadrunner then directed to anathor page (one accss page). While replay the script getting 400 bad request error and verify the recording and…
  • LoadRunner Developer - Convert to html to text

    Hello, I've been using vugen for awhile and decided to give loadrunner developer a try and was wondering how to convert html to text. In vugen it would be something like this: web_reg_save_param ( "example , "Convert=HTML_TO_TEXT" , "LB=test" ,…
  • Capture ODBC traffic for vugen

    Hi, Is it possible to capture ODBC traffic for feeding VUgen ? (like http) I try with Wireshark (pcap file) but I've got an error "VuGen is not able to read the traffic file that uyou specified. .." I try using this option because when "vugen recording…
  • Unable to encode URL from Get API call

    Hi, I am trying to encode a Get Api call URL through web_convert_param() but facing below issue- Invalid scheme (not "http:" / "https:" / "ws:" / "wss:") Pls let me know If I am missing anything. Thanks.
  • Is it possible to execute SSO login through Vugen?

    Hell Everyone! I am trying to record login step for Web Application. This application uses Single Sign On. Once a user is logged in to the network of organization then she/he can directly access the application through Edge Browser. I can record login…
  • Connect to Oracle DB through LoadRunner Web HTTP/HTML

    I have a Web HTTP/HTML script and within the same script, I need to connect to Oracle Database to execute a SQL query. I would appreciate if someone can clarify what is the process and what are the pre-requisites required? (such as any oracle client …
  • How to test and validate Video Streaming in Loadrunner?

    Hi All, I have a requirement where on Web application, Video will be streaming from third part component, the request in LR looks like below- Can you please share some idea on how can I validate the video is started playing or streamed? How to get…
  • Unable to handle Chinese characters in Vugen request body

    I need to pass a Chinese name / parameter in the request body for a web_custom_request. For which I tried the below approaches but sadly none of them worked. Please suggest me. 1.) Simply hardcoded the Chinese text (苹果 ) in request body but and found…
  • No. of Concurrent connections in web_concurrent_start/end function

    Maximum how many parallel connections Vugen creates when we use web_concurrent_start/end function?
  • Parallelly sending multiple APIs in web_concurrent_start/end function

    in LoadRunner-Vugen, In order to send APIs parallelly I have put them in one script within web_concurrent_start and web_concurrent_end function BUT when I run the script, in results summary it shows 0.001 sec for all of the APIs but the same script if…
  • Though web_set user has been successful, replay scripts are failing.

    Though web_set_user is set, the replay scripts are failing at though web set user is given Action.c(151): Error -26547: Authentication required, please use "web_set_user", e.g. web_set_user("domain\\user", "password", "host:port"); [MsgId: MERR-26547…
  • LoadRunner - Record via Proxy for TruClient Web protocol

    Hello, I would like to ask if there is way to record via proxy using TruClient Web protocol? I referred to this site on how to record via proxy, however this does not include TruClient Web protocol https://admhelp.microfocus.com/vugen/en/2022…
  • Split and print the string

    Hi, I need to split the string and print it eg: input: abc,def,ghi output: abc def ghi Kindly help me on this. Thank you!!!
  • Need help in creating WCF call based LoadRunner script

    My Application is using combination of Web services calls and WCF calls. I have already captured the fiddler traces for Launch-Login transaction. Can anyone please suggest me the protocol to be used or method to be used to generate the LoadRunner script…
  • Unable to Login to Azure hosted application using Truclient Protocol - "error":"invalid_request","error_description":"AADSTS9002327: Tokens issued for the 'Single-Page Application' client-type may only be redeemed

    While trying to record my application which is hosted in Azure with Truclient protocol, after login access token request is getting failed with HTTP 400.From Browser i can that application keep on reloading. However I don't face any such issues if I login…
  • how can I record a script on chrome browser using VUGEN other than mercury tours

    when I try to record a script using google chrome for a web application ,the script is finished with not recorded steps ,please can any one help,what should be the steps