• what comprises of LoadRunner Response Time

    when we capture Loadrunner Response time, what are the times getting captured for any request? is it only server response time? or request creation time, request sent time, Connection to server & server time - all these are added to the response time…
  • We are facing an issue of high response time when test is running with as low as 5 RPM, but the application is consistent with 2K, 10K RPM.

    We are facing an issue of high response time when test is running with as low as 5 RPM, but the application is consistent with 2K, 10K RPM. Architecture : Api Gateway (AWS us-west) -> Service Layer (AWS us-east) -> 3rd party API (AWS us-east…
  • Truclient Mobile Center - Script Records Response Time as Wasted Time (LR12.60)

    Hi, I am currently trying to put a Truclient Mobile Center script into a controller, but found that the Controller and Analysis shows my transactions have an avg of 0.00006 second response time. In Vugen/Truclient, I have a " wait for object " function…
  • Request response time and browser rendering time in load runner

    Hello All, Could you please help us on find the request response time and browser rendering time in load runner In web protocol for one of the scenario contains 5 transactions like 1) Launch 2) Login 3) Click something 4) Click submit 5) logout Manually…
  • How to start a transaction at a set interval?

    Hi, I would need to start a new transaction every 5 minutes, which includes think time and response time, but could not find a way to do so. I tried adding think time but that does not meet my need. Appreciate if anyone could help on this issue. Thanks…
  • Does Average Response Time calculated by Controller includes Network Delay Time ?

    In the LoadRunner Controller there is a Network Delay Time Graph in Network Graphs. I have set the measurement from localhost to server under test. The average response time as show in Trans Response Graph is 2.3 secs The Network delay time graphs shows…