• Getting Proxy Auth pop up window in truclient protocal in chromium broweser in load runner

    When we are recording the script with using trueclient protocal in chromium browser once the launch the application getting proxyauth popup window then we will provide the user name and password and click sign in but in trueclient unable to capture the…
  • How to get the number of opened browser windows(popups) in LR TruClient (Firefox)

    Hi, In our scripts we have few steps where click on a button opens new popup browser window where we need to enter some data and close that browser window then switch the controle to main browser and do the actions. In some situations we need to check…
  • Loadrunner : unable to start the scenario in controller

    Hi All, I was trying to these below mentioned things using Loadrunner: 1. Launch the controller using cmd 2. Run the scenario 3. Analyze the results and send an email. I have sucessfully automated the 3rd step and I was able to perform the step 1 as well…