• Getting Proxy Auth pop up window in truclient protocal in chromium broweser in load runner

    When we are recording the script with using trueclient protocal in chromium browser once the launch the application getting proxyauth popup window then we will provide the user name and password and click sign in but in trueclient unable to capture the…
  • VUsers Stuck in Pending State

    Run TrueClient PT scripts in LRE but VUsers are stuck in "Pending state". Log is set to Full but no errors are displayed.
  • VUsers from TrueClient Scripts are not used LoadRunner Enterprise

    Hi, Created PT script using TrueClient the script is running fine in VUGEN There were no errors when I run it to LoadRunner Enterprise but when I check the logs no iteration of VUsers where used in the run. Is there someone here who experienced…
  • LoadRunner - Record via Proxy for TruClient Web protocol

    Hello, I would like to ask if there is way to record via proxy using TruClient Web protocol? I referred to this site on how to record via proxy, however this does not include TruClient Web protocol https://admhelp.microfocus.com/vugen/en/2022…
  • Scroll down is not working on a grid cell using TrueClient web protocol

    I am using Vugen 12.62 version for script development using TrueClient Web protocol with chromium. There is a table having grid cells and row number gets changed as per the visibility in browser. While handling this when I scroll down manually its working…
  • Why the web page freezes when you start writing a script. I work in a local area network

    I am starting to write a script in trueclient a page with authorization opens. After authorization, the home page opens, which freezes and does not respond to any clicks. the problem is repeated with the HTTP protocol, the site does not even open
  • Kerberos Authentication in True Client LR

    Can someone tell me how to implement Kerberos authentication in True Client. Thanks in Advance! Nikhil Kamboj
  • Trueclient xpath with OR condition highlights but doesn't match object

    Hello, I am testing an application where a search can either produce the search results in a table or it shows a message "no records found" I have placed a verification object for search results , and it works fine when there are results returned. However…
  • Ajax True Client evalXPath Error "LR is not defined"

    I have a true client script where on a page a table with links appear. I want to randomly click on a link. I have used javascript to capture the value and then save it in a parameter using TC.saveParam("param1", value); In the following event i am using…
  • RE: LoadRunner 12.01 Released!

    Hello, we are missing the support for IE11 TrueClient so much. How long will it take to support it? It´s really a big problem here, everything in our environment is already running on IE11 but we cannot use our TrueClient scripts.. How long will it take…