• Date selection in truclient protocol

    Hi , I am working on truclient protocol scripting, where the script needs to select a date one day after the automatic popped-up date.. how to achieve it. By default , application pops- up a particular date.( in the screenshot the date is 10/28/2024…
  • Truclient execution in Load Runner Cloud trial version

    Hi, I have working on truclient protocol scripts in community edition. Can anyone confirm whether it is possible to execute TRUCLIENT SCRIPTS with MULTIPLE USERS( 50 users) in Load Runner Cloud trial version. Also do we have trial version for Load…
  • Unable to Login to Azure hosted application using Truclient Protocol - "error":"invalid_request","error_description":"AADSTS9002327: Tokens issued for the 'Single-Page Application' client-type may only be redeemed

    While trying to record my application which is hosted in Azure with Truclient protocol, after login access token request is getting failed with HTTP 400.From Browser i can that application keep on reloading. However I don't face any such issues if I login…
  • Trueclient displaying Dead objects message in Performance Center

    Hi All, I am running trueclient script (firefox mode) in Performance Center, the transactions are passing 100% but getting seeing error message " t=01819792ms: Error -205177: TypeError: can't access dead object instanceofDate@resource://gre/modules…
  • Truclient- Random checkbox and respective data

    Hi All, How to select a checkbox and its respective data from the table. From below screenshot, i have to select random states [which am able to do with javascript], but i have to select line of business and agent type for which random value is…
  • Event Handlers in Truclient

    Hello All, In TC, is there a way to reuse the recorded Event Handlers again ? It would be so good, if we have a export option for this also, like we have for functions libraries. Any other current alternative anyone ever tried to achieve this? This is…
  • Truclient v12.55 Limitations & fixes related to Internet Explorer

    Hi Team, First of all I want to appreciate for making such good product, I was trying the new community edition v12.55 with Truclient. While recording & replaying the dummy script, I was facing issues while replaying the script with Internet explorer…