I'm doing a PoC for generating the URL (using string and loadrunner parameters) and encrypting using AES 256 bit.
I'm able to get it done using web protocol and web_js_run with below 2 files as source…
We're working in LR 2022R2 and someone sent me a replay that failing and it's scattered with a few dozen of these. What does this message mean?
Line 2283: t=00005863ms: AUT non-error: [object Object] [MsgId: MMSG-205236]
Line 2409: t=00006002ms…
I am unable to edit the button selection editor option available for Generic Browser Action step used to handle Confirmation Dialog Boxes.I am currently using LoadRunner 2022 R1.
Using LoadRunner 24.1 I've opened an "Evaluate Javascript code". I put this
A. // I want to use a javascript table
var options = getElementByXpath("//app-document-section/div/div/div/app-single-document/div[2]/span"); for (i=0;i<options.length;i…
Hi All,
Im using Truclient to capture object loading time when navigate/open web page. Ex, the web page have 2 plot chart, which will concurrent loading when opening the web. Could someone show me how to get loading time for each chart?
Thanks all…
Hi Everyone,
I tried to create a JavaScript function to parallel asynchornous wait for element loading in web page. However, LoadRunner kill the JavaScript when replaying after default 20s (EvalJavaScriptTimeout). I already increase this value in default…
In Trueclient protocol, i am executing JavaScript code with the help of Evaluate JavaScript function. Output of that code we are getting in Console i.e Developer option.
We need to store that output from console logs in a csv file and further download…
LoadRunner Truclient v2023 build 628
The xpath of the object changes dynamically. We are able to capture these dynamic values and pass it in the xpath but it works as expected only the first time after the Object is identified on the screen. When we…
Hi team,
We have a scenario where file need to download and store into a path every time.
and when we try to access application flow manually we able download file store it in C drive Download in Local. Same way, we need to download and need see…
In Using TruClient protocol with E2E flow execution separated by Transactions
The Problem: When selecting multiple transactions for Flow, the display order is incorrect (and not logical)
Start and End points aren't according to flow
There is an WEB application with authorized login. (Login).
How to implement the following scenario:
First: (in debug and Develop Mode) 1. One-time Login to the system. 2. Execution of Actions/Functions, where which next iteration will not log…
I have created a script in TruClient protocol and would like to run the script in Vugen and view the results now and then. This is to measure any changes in UI rendering time for every new build. (I don't want to upload the scripts to Performance Center…
Requred, select multiobjects from the list in UI, using "CTRL" + "Left Mouse Click"
After selection looks - Like this:
How can implement such step in TrueClient protocol Develop Script?
Hi ,
There is some issue with my Vugen, I am unable to record any Truclient web scripts and even unable to replay the existing truclient scripts, can some one please help me, it is very urgent for me to resolve this.
PS: I have tried multiple reinstallations…
I am using LoadRunner 2023 (not 2023 R1) and TruClient protocol. There is upload file option that works smoothly on many pages of the application but, there are few places where it does not work and just get step time out (600 seconds).
I validated…
Hi All In trueclient protocal we did the parameter but getting Javascript exception parameter has not been defined failed to execute send on XMLHTTPREQUEST failed to load error
Note : tried LR 2020 version as well HP 12.55 and 12.56
After upgrading Loadrunner Professional to 2022 R2, Truclient Web script playback in the browser stopped working. Replaying single steps still works, but replaying step by step gives an error: t=00000025ms: Internal Error -205176: Exception in IPCServerImpl…
I have truclient script for angular Js application. the Business process has OKTA verification for login functionality. the script works in Vugen mode. However when we run script in LRE the authentication is not happening we just see redirect codes…
The following error pops up while I am trying to open my load testing result in LoadRunner Analysis Tool:
Analysis failed to analyze result directory C:\Users\Administrator\AppDate\Local\Temp\2\res0\res0.lrr
After clicking the "OK" button, we…
I am having scenarion which I need to click on 'Open Signiant App' button of Chromium browser pop up. While recording this step was not getting recorded. I tried to add steps - Dialogue- Confirm, Dialogue-Prompt etc. but all didnt worked for me. Is there…
Hello folks,
Need your support on this.
I have an application, where there are multiple rows, where i need to drag a row and place it in another row (By Drag feature)
I need to evaluate the response time for drag " How much time it is taking to…
Just want to ask any documentation or details on how to configure cache setting (e.g. cache timeout) for TruClient web protocol.
Because we want to simulate user actual browsing behavior.
Hi all,
when I have this simple two lines running on Truclient loadrunner 2020sp
truclient_step("1", "Navigate to '"snapshot=Action_1.inf");">google.com'", "snapshot=Action_1.inf"); truclient_step("2", "Execute TC.log ( 'hola' , 'Standard' )", "snapshot…
Hello, I've started to investigate the possibilities for more or less real development of TruClient scripts converted to JavaScript. By that I mean working with plain text javascript code in some IDE (IntelliJ in my case)
editing, adding object to…
While trying to record my application which is hosted in Azure with Truclient protocol, after login access token request is getting failed with HTTP 400.From Browser i can that application keep on reloading. However I don't face any such issues if I login…