• Getting Proxy Auth pop up window in truclient protocal in chromium broweser in load runner

    When we are recording the script with using trueclient protocal in chromium browser once the launch the application getting proxyauth popup window then we will provide the user name and password and click sign in but in trueclient unable to capture the…
  • Vugen Error (One or more files in the scripts folder is in use). unable to replay...

    Hi all, I am getting below error in HP Vugen and unable to find the root cause. "~One or more files in the scripts folder is in use, preventing script replay. Close the files and try to replay the script again~." I tried deleting all the unnecessary files…
  • Vugen Error (One or more files in the scripts folder is in use). unable to replay.

    Hi all, I am getting below error in HP Vugen and unable to find the root cause. "~One or more files in the scripts folder is in use, preventing script replay. Close the files and try to replay the script again~." I tried deleting all the unnecessary files…