Write extracted values from truclient script to external file csv or notepad

Hi , I am working on truclient protocol, where i need to extract a value and use it another scripts. Correlation is working fine through Get property step and extracted values are displayed correctly in replay log.

I have highlighted the extrracted value in the image.. Now i need to write this value to external file.( eg CSV or notepad). By then only I can use these values for other scripts during execution. Any leads would be helpful

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    , TruClient protocol has API functions to write to file. See the "Generic API Action" and choose IO. The description of the IO functions is here, but use them via "Generic API Action".
    But a more robust way might be using VTS Server. The tool to share data between scripts, even over system boundaries. Not sure if it is available for LRP as well.

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    Thanks for the input. as of now I tried using IO function and it is writing the value to external file. But facing other issue, though I have included the functional arguments as expected, my output values are not getting appended in the csv sheet

    Execute IO.write ( 'D:\\Users\\Documents\Write.csv' , QNum , true , 'UTF-8' )

    Can you please suggest what I am missing here. 

    Note : values are getting logged into write.csv file but it is not getting appended to next line properly

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    Hi , I can give you the answer directly, but you might also try first to explore the help on IO.write a bit more. It depends on your programming skills if you see what you have to do.

    With TC you are using JavaScript as language. So you might also use google to with the phrase "writing to a file multiple lines in javascript".

    I hope that this way of support improves your skill set more than a direct answer. But do not hesitate to come back when you do not succeed. We all have had a starting point and TC and JavaScript can be a huge learning curve.

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    Hi , I can give you the answer directly, but you might also try first to explore the help on IO.write a bit more. It depends on your programming skills if you see what you have to do.

    With TC you are using JavaScript as language. So you might also use google to with the phrase "writing to a file multiple lines in javascript".

    I hope that this way of support improves your skill set more than a direct answer. But do not hesitate to come back when you do not succeed. We all have had a starting point and TC and JavaScript can be a huge learning curve.

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